Several of these factions have been embroiled in a long-running role-play war, which so far has included assassination attempts, a public trial for a notorious raider boss, and back-and-forth battles across Appalachia.
Such are the woes of playing a multiplayer Bethesda game, and while these technical difficulties are omnipresent, they haven’t dissuaded fans from acting out complex warfare scenarios.
It’s not fun if you can press a button to auto aim and insta-kill somebody from across the map, right?” “If you use VATS with certain weapon types, it breaks your damage gap and you can one hit somebody no matter what their build is. “The problem is that PvP right now is so broken, in certain instances, that you pretty much have to cut out half of the gameplay functionality in order to do anything,” he said in a call with Polygon. One roleplay community leader, Jesse Jewell, says he’s had a “hell of a good time” with Fallout 76’s PvP in the past, but its current state is struggling. Fallout 76 fans are holding a trial against an actual raider